Saturday, January 26, 2019

Trouble Again

Water currently in the A range
After the media updates and manual regens our water was looking great for a few days, but after about five days, around 1/22/19 I noticed a bit of iron bleed through. All the toilet tanks being regularly used showed mild evidence of iron in the reservoir tank. So, I conducted a couple of manual softener regenerations with resin cleaning and water looks as stated above, A range.
I purchased two clear backup checkvalves. For the installed check valves the before filtration and after filtration pictures are somewhat alarming. But hey, shows the filters are doing their job.
The second clear check valve is plumbed before the water softener (due to the fact I have a T junction to provide unsoftened water to the kitchen and installed check valve was concerned the split-off might somehow unseat the softener resin). Three points, could the first valve be fouled? Now that I have backups I could replace it and see. Also, it's a bit surprising that my chlorine injection and retention leaves the water still looking like mud. I do have terrible water. Finally, is this pre-softener near pristine check valve suggesting that any iron bleed through is occurring in the softener? The iron my not be visible as the conditions are not the same as in a toilet retention tank (no chlorine tablet, less no flow conditiion). Even if it were to be interpreted this way it would still suggest that iron is making it to the water softener such that the softener is iron polishing the water. Purchased 50 lbs of calcite. Am currently deciding whether to replace resin before doing anything. Also, ordered two 25 lb salt block and am considering these as a backup/adjunct to pellet salt.
a) have backup clear pvc check valves
b) have calcite
c) ordered salt blocks
b) evaluating resin
Pre filtration and post...

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